Insights from the President’s Panel at Miromar Design Center
Recently, I had the distinct honor of being a part of the President’s Panel at Miromar Design Center. This experience was enlightening, not just for me but also for the attendees. The panel was an eclectic mix of current and past presidents from renowned chapters of ASID, AIA, and the Interior Design Society. Here are some key takeaways from the panel.
When to Involve the Team in a Project?
The unanimous consensus is that the sooner, the better. Engaging the core team of architects, interior designers, landscape architects, and contractors at the onset ensures an integrated and high-quality result. The magic lies in synergy and collaboration.
Incorporating Existing Furniture into New Spaces
One’s personal connection to certain pieces of furniture or memorabilia is essential. When redesigning, it’s pivotal to incorporate items that hold a special place in your heart or evoke fond memories. It adds a personal touch and story to the space.
Current Trends in Architecture & Design
While the white house with bracket details is having its moment, especially in Florida, the beach cottage look remains a favorite. Greys, especially with their shade variations, are dominant in interiors, complemented by bright hues like hot pink, cobalt blue, and reds. However, it’s imperative to personalize your space and not blindly follow trends.
Hiring an Architect/Designer
Always ensure you’re engaging with professionals. A useful tip is to check out licensed professionals through the FL Department of Business and Professional Regulation (FLDBPR). Being clear about the scope of service and pricing is crucial.
Points to Ponder Before Starting a Project
Understanding the long-term vision for the property is essential. The design approach for a property you intend to stay in for a long duration will differ from one you aim to sell in the near future.
Personal Touch
One of the most satisfying aspects of my job is understanding the client’s vision and then bringing it to life. Design is as much about understanding emotions and values as it is about aesthetics and functionality.
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